KEPFLIX is a Private Citizen Service Center and Digital Transformation.
It was founded in 2022 with the aim of providing bureaucratic handling services, and utilizing the internet, digital media and new technologies for business development.
KEPFLIX serves the idea of immediate and quality service while contributing to the smooth transition of citizens in the digital world.
The KEPFLIX team is inspired by a fresh philosophy that responsibly combines knowledge, experience and fidelity to the requirements of the service, in the modern digital age.

Contact us
Tel: 2721-18-17-17
Opening hours
Monday 08: 00-14: 00
Tuesday 08: 00-14: 00 & 17: 30-20: 30
Wednesday 08: 00-14: 00
Thursday 08: 00-14: 00 & 17: 30-20: 30
Friday 08: 00-14: 00 & 17: 30-20: 30
Saturday 08: 00-14: 00
Contact us
ΚΕΠFLIX Tel : 2721-18-17-17._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b5_6d_13
© 2022 by KEPFILX